By: Trevor Bacon On: July 02, 2024 In: General Comments: 0

JULY 2024

Happy Canada Day! I hope you are able to take some time this summer to reflect on what a wonderful country and community we call home.

I continue to hear concerns about the high cost of living in our community. The cost of food and housing must be addressed. That is why the Official Opposition has been calling for a summer break for Canadians from the carbon tax, the federal fuel tax, and GST on gasoline and diesel. Unfortunately, the federal government has not implemented this solution that would help ease the financial burden on Canadians. Nevertheless, I will continue to work hard and push for solutions to the challenges people in our community are experiencing.

As Parliament is out of session, I look forward to spending time in our community hearing about the issues that are important to you. Many community and faith based organisations are hosting events throughout the city over the summer. I hope you will join me in supporting these events that bring our community together. Thank you to all the volunteers that make these events possible.

I hope you have a safe and enjoyable summer.


Happy New Year! I hope that you and your family have a safe and successful 2024. For many in our community, 2023 brought challenges as the cost of living continues to increase and housing affordability and availability remain a national crisis. I remain focused on working to find solutions for these issues and will continue to hold the government accountable.

As a Member of the Standing Committee on Science and Research, and the co-chair of the Parliamentary Caucus for Emerging Technology, I am also focused on the growing issue of artificial intelligence. This technological advancement has the potential to greatly impact our society and, as such, legislators must seriously be looking at what regulations need to be put in place to protect Canadians and businesses.

One of the areas of concern that our current regulations do not adequately address is artificial intelligence as it relates to the creation and dissemination of non-consensual pornographic images. I believe that further protections must be implemented to reduce the gap between technological advances and the outpaced ability of Canadian lawmakers to protect vulnerable Canadians from the dissemination of non-consensual digital content. That is why I have sponsored petition e-4700 which calls on the federal government to protect vulnerable Canadians by adequately penalizing the dissemination of non-consensual AI-generated intimate digital content.

You can sign this official parliamentary petition by visiting my website at: https://mprempel.ca/petitions

I will continue to work hard in 2024 to advocate for the needs of our community. As always, if there is an issue that you would like to bring to my attention please do not hesitate to contact me.

The Hon. Michelle Rempel Garner
Member of Parliament
Calgary Nose Hill
Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca / 403-216-7777 / 115 – 70  Country Hills Landing N.W. Calgary, AB T3K 5P3


Happy New Year. While the last year continued to present challenges for many in our community it is my hope that 2023 will see positive change.

Thank you to the many individuals in our community who supported the NHCA’s ‘Gift of Joy’ program by donating a toy or gift for families in need. I was proud to partner with them for this important initiative – especially during these challenging economic times. Thank you to the many organizations and volunteers that are supporting individuals in our community.

As Parliament resumes later this month, I remain focused on the issue of inflation and the affordability crisis that so many are dealing with. As your voice in Ottawa, I am committed to finding real solutions to the challenges facing those in Calgary.

I continue to hear from residents that are very concerned about their employment situation. As such, I was proud to sponsor a petition calling on the federal government to create more jobs in western Canada. This petition is available for signature until January 27 and can be found on my website at: www.mprempel.ca/petitions.

I expect to see a federal budget later this spring and will be conducting pre-budget consultations in our community. Should you have any information you wish to add please do not hesitate to contact me at michelle.rempel@parl.gc.ca.

The Hon. Michelle Rempel Garner
Member of Parliament
Calgary Nose Hill
Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca / 403-216-7777 / 115 – 70  Country Hills Landing N.W. Calgary, AB T3K 5P3

JUNE 2022

With summer approaching and Parliament set to rise this month, I remain focused on fighting for our community and ensuring that Albertans’ voices continue to be heard.

Many members in our community and across Canada are struggling to get by due to the affordability crisis gripping our country. Necessities such as groceries and fuel are soaring in price, inflation is the highest it has been in decades, interest rates are rising, fewer Albertans have been able to put money into their savings and many more are taking on larger debts.

Albertans of all ages are experiencing the pressures from the rising cost of living. The dream of owning a home for young Albertans is slipping further away and many who had planned on retiring in the next few years have had to delay that hard-earned dream.

Our community needs action right now, I know that many of you literally cannot afford to wait.

This is why I recently sponsored a petition on behalf of a community member calling on the federal government to immediately table a comprehensive plan to address Canada’s affordability crisis and get money back into the pockets of Canadians.  You can read and sign the petition at: mprempel.ca/petitions

I will continue to be your voice in Ottawa and call on the government to immediately address Canada’s affordability crisis.

The Hon. Michelle Rempel Garner
Member of Parliament
Calgary Nose Hill
Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca / 403-216-7777 / 115 – 70  Country Hills Landing N.W. Calgary, AB T3K 5P3

APRIL 2022

I recently hosted a virtual town hall with our community.  I was pleased to have over 300 members of our community attend to discuss the issues that they are most concerned about.

One of the top issues that I heard was concerns on invoking the Emergencies Act. Many Canadians are rightfully  looking to the government for a plan on when Covid-19 mandates within federal jurisdiction will be safely lifted. This is something I have been calling on the federal government to do for over a year. The government has a responsibility to address these concerns, however, as they failed to do so the situation grew more volatile. I do believe that protests can be peaceful while still breaking the law. It is illegal to blockade critical infrastructure, the blockades that occurred in Coutts and on the Ambassador Bridge were illegal. This is why I called for an immediate de-escalation of all voices and for the government to utilize laws in existence to resolve the situation and clear the blockades. I did not support the Emergencies Act and voted against this unprecedented use of power. I don’t believe this was a necessary step, as there are legal tools already in place that could have been used.

At the time of writing this, the other main concern I am hearing about is Russia’s invasion into Ukraine. Russia’s attack is the most serious threat to the rules-based international order since 1945, threatening the longest period of relative peace and prosperity in modern history. Canada cannot turn a blind eye to this egregious invasion of a sovereign nation. The government has stated they will take further action in concert with our allies and I intend to work alongside all Parliamentarians to ensure they do so. Humanitarian aid to Ukraine and support for refugees will also be needed, and Canada should rise to the occasion and provide it. We must stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, and push Canada’s federal government to meet Ukraine’s needs in this time of unparalleled crisis.

As always please do not hesitate to contact me should you have questions on issues of importance to you.

The Hon. Michelle Rempel Garner
Member of Parliament
Calgary Nose Hill
Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca / 403-216-7777 / 115 – 70  Country Hills Landing N.W. Calgary, AB T3K5P3


Happy New Year! I was very thankful and humbled to return to Parliament in November as your Member of Parliament. I will continue to be a strong voice for our community and work hard on your behalf.

As we begin 2022, I remain focused on fighting for our community and all Albertans as the Shadow Minister of Natural Resources. Canadians expect their government to adopt policies that address climate change while supporting the workers in our province. For far too long our community, and Alberta’s economy, has suffered due to punitive policies on the energy sector from this government. Albertans care about the environment and want their government to tackle climate change, but the current government’s policies have done little to address climate change, have divided Canadians, decreased investment in our energy sector and cost thousands of jobs. It is time for this to change.

We must be addressing climate change while also addressing the rising cost of living and the economic and jobs crisis in our province. I have heard from many members in our community that are struggling to get by and I will continue to be their voice in Ottawa. I will keep fighting for  productive solutions that tackle climate change while supporting workers in our province. I will continue to listen to feedback and input from members in our community and the energy sector. If you have any ideas you would like to share with me on this, or any other issue, please reach out to my office at michelle.rempel@parl.gc.ca or 403-216-7777.

The Hon. Michelle Rempel Garner
Member of Parliament
Calgary Nose Hill

JULY 2021

I want to wish everyone in our community a happy Canada Day and a safe summer!

Though the past 16 months have looked very different for our community I was beyond grateful to see how we came together in the face of adversity and supported each other. As we begin to move forward in the reopening of our country and province I am looking forward to the opportunity to gather and connect with residents in our community safely once again.

This spring, in my role as your Member of Parliament and as Shadow Minister for Health I remained focused on holding the federal government accountable for providing Canadians with a clear plan that would allow our country to safely resume normal life. After months of intense pressure that I placed on the government, Canadians are finally seeing rapid tests being deployed across the country, vaccinations getting to provinces and territories more quickly and in larger amounts, and businesses and workers being able to access financial support they need in order to keep their businesses open. Thank you to the thousands of Canadians who have contacted me to share their concerns about the federal government’s response. I would not be able to do my job if it were not for the many voices that contact my office and share their perspective with me.

Please know that I continue to be very concerned about the economic situation in Alberta and the unemployment in our community. As we begin to see our country reopen, Alberta workers must not be forgotten. You can rest assured that I will be working hard and fighting on your behalf.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance to you or if you have a concern to share with me.

The Hon. Michelle Rempel Garner
Calgary Nose Hill
Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca / 403-216-7777 / 115

APRIL 2022

– 70  Country Hills Landing N.W. Calgary, AB T3K5P3

APRIL 2021

At the end of February I held another online town hall meeting. Nearly 400 people attended and I was pleased to be able to answer many questions about issues that are important to our community.

One area of concern that individuals continue to raise with me is the need to be supporting small businesses in our community and what all levels of government can be doing to help them.

With that in mind, I have begun holding a series of meetings with small business owners to hear directly about how I can be fighting for them.

If you are a small business owner, or know someone who is, and are interested in attending one of these meetings please email michelle.rempel@parl.gc.ca.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact if you have a question or concern you would like to raise.

The Hon. Michelle Rempel Garner
Calgary Nose Hill
Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca / 403-216-7777 / 115 – 70  Country Hills Landing N.W. Calgary, AB T3K5P3


Happy New Year!

This past year I have been working hard to address the imminent health crisis our country has been facing. I have been fighting to ensure our community has access to rapid testing and an effective vaccine to better allow Canadians to return to work quickly, and safely. While I have been in Calgary and Ottawa fighting for policies to address this pandemic, our community has been right beside me the entire time.

This past year has been challenging to say the least, however, even through the hardest times of the global health crisis our community came together to support one another. From all the residents of Calgary Nose Hill that volunteered to support the most vulnerable in our community to the thousands of front-line and essential workers that have served over the last year, I sincerely thank you.

This pandemic has had a profound impact on the lives of all Albertans. We have seen family owned businesses have to close their doors, students transition to at-home learning, seniors face extremely isolating conditions, and workers stay home to protect the health and safety of all.

Reflecting on this past year, I see the compassion and integrity that our community has shown. I have also heard frustration at the lack of planning and the impact that the continued jobs crisis is having.

As we enter into the New Year, I remain focused on advocating for the needs of all Albertans.

I am eager to return to Ottawa as Alberta’s strongest voice and continue fighting for our community.

As always, if there is anything my office can assist you with or if you have policy concerns you would like to share with me please reach out to my office at michelle.rempel@parl.gc.ca or 403-216-7777.

The Hon. Michelle Rempel Garner
Calgary Nose Hill
Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca / 403-216-7777 / 115 – 70  Country Hills Landing N.W. Calgary, AB T3K5P3


Earlier this fall, as Shadow Minister for Health, I put forward a motion at the Health Committee which would examine Canada’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The motion, which was supported by both of the other opposition parties was filibustered by the government MPs. As a result, I put forward the Motion in Parliament, which was seconded by Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole. The motion was approved in Parliament with the opposition parties supporting it and the government MPs voting against. You can find more information about the motion on my website www.MPRempel.ca/news.

I look forward to reporting on the findings of our study to Canadians in coming months. The health and safety of Canadians is very important, and I will continue to push for answers and solutions to achieve this.

I know that 2020 has been a year of incredible challenge for many in our community. One of the ways we can all end this year on a positive note is by supporting local organisations that are helping those among us in need.

If I can be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. My office remains open and is regularly assisting constituents with federal issues and concerns.

Finally, I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, seasons greetings and a very joyful New Year.

The Hon. Michelle Rempel Garner
Calgary Nose Hill
Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca / 403-216-7777 / 115 – 70  Country Hills Landing N.W. Calgary, AB T3K5P3


Parliament returned in September with a Speech From the Throne after being prorogued by the Prime Minister.

You can read my full statement in response to the Speech on my website: MPRempel.ca/news.

I have been working hard in my capacity as your Member of Parliament and as the Conservative Shadow Minister for Health. In addition to advocating for a jobs and economic plan for workers and businesses in our community, I am continuing to press the government on their mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic response.

Specifically, I have been raising the serious issue of rapid testing in Canada. Many of our G-7 allies already have had access to rapid and at-home testing for some time. This fall, the government announced that Canada would be contributing to an initiative to ensure that low-income countries have those same rapid tests. Families and businesses in our community have been correctly asking why Canadians have not had access to these same tests and resources? Rapid testing is critical to getting the Canadian economy to reopen safely and can play a large role in helping families with children in the school system.

I will continue to press for answers for the government’s decisions on these matters and present viable, safe solutions for Canadians.

Earlier this fall I was pleased to host a virtual Town Hall Meeting for residents of our community. While we are not yet able to resume in person meetings of this nature, it was good to connect with so many in our community and hear directly about the issues that are important to them.

Should you have any questions or concerns, or if I can be of assistance to you as your Member of Parliament, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Finally, despite the challenges and changes that 2020 has presented us with, let us all still find time to pause and reflect this Remembrance Day on the many sacrifices that have been made on our behalf. Thank you to our brave Veterans for your service.

The Hon. Michelle Rempel Garner

Calgary Nose Hill

Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca / 403-216-7777 / 115 – 70  Country Hills Landing N.W. Calgary, AB T3K5P3

JULY 2020

Summer for our community looks a little different this year. While we are not able to gather together at community pancake breakfasts or BBQs in the way that we usually do, I’d like to thank everyone in our community who are finding other ways to stay connected and support one another. Supporting local businesses and organisations remains very important and is a good way for us to keep the spirit of community alive.

I want you to know that although I won’t be able to host my annual July 1 community BBQ, or see many of you at various community events this summer I remain active as your Member of Parliament. My office remains available to those who need assistance via phone, email, and video conference. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if I can be of help.

For the seniors in our community, the federal government announced in the spring that they were providing additional financial support of $2.5 billion for a one-time tax-free payment of $300 for seniors eligible for the Old Age Security (OAS) pension, with an additional $200 for seniors eligible for the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS). This measure gives a total of $500 to individuals who were eligible to receive both the OAS and the GIS, and will help them cover increased costs caused by COVID-19. Eligible seniors do not have to apply. If you have questions about this measure please do not hesitate to contact my office.

Thank you to those in our community who attended my online Town Hall Meeting and the Small Business Owners Round Table. Hearing directly from those in our community allows me to advocate more effectively on your behalf. I continue to press for measures that will see our economy restart quickly and safely. Our community must be supported and I will continue to fight for you.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me about any issue you would like to bring to my attention. Have a safe and wonderful summer and happy Canada Day!

The Hon. Michelle Rempel Garner

Calgary Nose Hill

Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca / 403-216-7777 / 115 – 70  Country Hills Landing N.W. Calgary, AB T3K5P3

JUNE 2020

Hon. Michelle Rempel Garner – M.P. – Calgary – Nose Hill WEBSITE is updated daily with COVID-19 information.

First, I want to recognize those that have been, and continue to be, on the frontlines during this pandemic, including healthcare professionals, first responders, truckers, grocery store employees, and all essential workers. Thank you for serving our community.

During this time of uncertainty, keeping my office available to provide individual help is one of my top priorities. Many constituents have contacted my office with a variety of individual queries, from accessing government programs to helping loved ones stranded abroad. In the last several weeks, my office has assisted with nearly two hundred individual complex cases.

 Since the onset of this pandemic I have been working closely with, business leaders, civil society representatives, leaders from the faith community, and cultural community groups to better understand the precise challenges our community is facing. Last month I held a virtual town hall and a virtual roundtable for small business owners, to ensure I am hearing directly from you. Many of you write or call into my office on a daily basis with your feedback and concerns. I have been directly using this feedback as I am writing policy, appearing on national media, writing press releases, getting changes to, and advocating for, emergency support programs.

I have also been addressing all of the questions from community members on my website, where I have collated resources from all levels of government, posted all my press releases, provided step-by-step tutorials on applying for financial support, and post the answers to your questions that I have received from the government. My website is updated regularly with new information from government press briefings. If you want to find details about the work my office and I are doing please visit www.MPRempel.ca.

During this time, it is important our community comes together and does our part to slow the spread. If you have any feedback on how I can better serve our community at this time, please contact me at michelle.rempel@parl.gc.ca

The Hon. Michelle Rempel Garner

Calgary Nose Hill

MAY 2020

Hon. Michelle Rempel Garner – M.P. – Calgary – Nose Hill WEBSITE is updated daily with COVID-19 information.

Our community and country face unprecedented times. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone in our community, and I continue to work hard on your behalf as we manage the response together. I would like to acknowledge the incredible work of all of our healthcare officials, and essential workers during this time, we have many members in our community stepping up during this pandemic to serve our community, and I thank you for that. I would also like to express my condolences to those in our community who may have lost a loved one due to this virus.

As your Member if Parliament my office remains open digitally and all services remain available to you. If you have any questions, or concerns about any federal programs, please let me know and my office will work with you. I also encourage you to visit my website where I have collated frequently asked questions and step-by-step video tutorials on programs available to workers, employers, seniors, and students. You can also find supports and programs that are being offered by community associations in Calgary Nose Hill, I encourage you to check these out.

Since the onset of this pandemic I have been working hard for our community to ensure your voice continues to be heard. I recognize that Albertans face multiple challenges at the moment. We were previously facing a jobs crisis before the pandemic and now the health emergency and further economic challenges have been added.

I have been working with community leaders, business owners and residents in Calgary Nose Hill to help advocate for more support for our community. On my website you can see several press releases I have published to pressure the government to make immediate changes and some of the proposals I have made. There has been some success as a result of pressure which includes changes to the BDC loan program, getting Parliamentary committees back to work virtually and significant changes to the Emergency Work Subsidy program.

During these difficult times it is important that we come together as a community and do our part to slow the spread of this virus. It is not easy and I understand and share many of the frustrations you are feeling. If you have any feedback on what I can be doing to help our community better please reach out to my office at 403-216-7777 or michelle.rempel@parl.gc.ca

The Hon. Michelle Rempel Garner
Calgary Nose Hill

APRIL 2020

Hon. Michelle Rempel Garner – M.P. – Calgary – Nose Hill WEBSITE is updated daily with COVID-19 information.

There are many important issues that Parliament is currently seized with. I appreciate hearing from constituents on areas of policy concern and interest regularly.

The top concerns I continue to hear about from our community are in regards to the ongoing jobs crisis, the Alberta economy, and how Ottawa should be responding to these issues. In January, statistics Canada confirmed what people in our community already know – unemployment in Alberta is among the highest in the country. Edmonton has the highest unemployment rate in the country; Calgary’s unemployment rate is in the top five and the Chamber of Commerce of Red Deer called the unemployment rate “scary and alarming.”

That is why I remain focused on finding solutions that will help our community in both the short and long term.

Recently, I presented a number of proposed solutions for dealing with some of the structural and policy inequities I believe are negatively impacting our province. These ideas were a part of a document titled the “Buffalo Declaration.”

I want to be very clear. I believe that a strong Alberta means a strong Canada. I also believe that all provinces, Alberta included, must be equal partners in Confederation. I have heard from many within our community that are questioning how our country functions and if Alberta is being treated fairly. I believe we should be seeking solutions to the problems before us that leave us united and in a position of strength. But that can’t happen by ignoring what is happening in Alberta or pretending there are not structural problems within our government that can, and should, be addressed.

My job is to fight for you. Our community elected me to be a strong voice in Ottawa – not to sit back and be quiet when things must change. I want you to know that’s what I am doing.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have issues of concern or wish to send me feedback. Thank you!

Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca / 403-216-7777 / 115 – 70  Country Hills Landing N.W. Calgary, AB T3K5P3


Happy New Year! I want to start by thanking the residents of Calgary Nose Hill for placing their trust in me to represent them as their voice in Ottawa. It is a great honour and responsibility to be able to serve our community as your Member of Parliament.

I remained focus on issues of concern for our community including the economic situation in Alberta and the need to get people back to work. I continue to hear from workers, and their families, who are struggling to make ends meet. I am also working hard to advance the conversation about fairness for Alberta within confederation including reviewing the equalization formula. To that end, I have launched an official Parliamentary petition which calls on the government repeal legislation, like Bills C-69 and C-48, which are damaging the Alberta economy, and which calls on the government to allow Alberta to proceed, unimpeded, as it explores areas of provincial autonomy as a part of this conversation.

I will also be hosting a Town Hall Meeting on January 20, 2020 at 7:00 PM at Foothills Alliance Church where I will be giving you an update on my efforts in Ottawa and taking questions from our community.

Once again, thank you for allowing me to be your strong voice in Ottawa. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me about any issue of concern.

Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca / 403-216-7777 / 115 – 70  Country Hills Landing N.W. Calgary, AB T3K5P3


Like many of you I watched, with great interest, the government’s latest re-announcement on the Trans Mountain pipeline project. I was disappointed to hear that, once again, the re-announcement of the approval of this pipeline project does not include any timelines for construction, has no plan to deal with any judicial appeals, and brings little comfort to the thousands of Alberta energy workers who remain unemployed.

Simply put, we must do better. The re-announcement of this vital national infrastructure project, with no plan for actually getting it built, is beyond frustrating and is unacceptable at this point. I will continue to push the government to utilize every single tool in their toolbox to get this project built and get Albertans back to work.

I look forward to continuing to connect with members of our community this summer. I hope you all have a safe and happy summer season. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me about any issue that is important to you.

Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca / 403-216-7777 / 115 – 70  Country Hills Landing N.W. Calgary, AB T3K5P3

JULY 2019

As Parliament closes and summer begins, we reflect on a busy year in the community. On May 23rd, I hosted my annual Career Services Event. Calgary continues to face a jobs crisis. This event, which was attended by hundreds of individuals from our community, allowed for the opportunity for many to connect with job search organisations that serve our city. Fighting for policies that create jobs and grow our economy continues to be a priority for me.

While in Ottawa, I continue to fight for energy workers and their families who are struggling to make ends meet. I have been advocating and pressuring the government to build pipelines, remove legislation that is restricting our energy sector and support the thousands of Albertans who are out of work. I continue to table petitions calling on the government to launch a full review on the unfair equalization formula and immediately repeal the anti-pipeline Bill C-69.

I am proud to be your voice in Ottawa and fighting these battles for you every day. I look forward to spending time in our community this summer hearing about the issues that are important to you. I want to wish you and your families a Happy Canada Day, and I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable summer!

As always, if you have any concerns on any issue please does not hesitate to contact my office.

Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca / 403-216-7777 / 115 – 70  Country Hills Landing N.W. Calgary, AB T3K5P3

JUNE 2019

The economy and the jobs crisis continue to be issues of paramount importance for me. Thousands of Albertans remain out of work and many more face job uncertainty. And despite the jobs crisis the federal government continues to pursue policies that directly harm Alberta’s energy sector. I have been holding the government to account for these actions and I am fighting for the families in our community that continue to struggle.

I recently sponsored a petition calling on the government to immediately cancel the anti-pipeline Bill C-69 and review the equalization formula. I will continue to be a strong and persistent voice in Ottawa for our community. On May 23rd I held a Career Services event. This event allowed many community members to connect with organisations that provide resources that can assist individuals with their job search, build interview skills and enhance their resumes. With Calgary having one of the highest unemployment rates of any major city in Canada I believe this event was of vital importance to our community. Thank you to all the organisations that took part and the volunteers that made this event possible.

Finally, I would like to invite you to a Canada Day celebration I will once again be hosting with Councillor Sean Chu. Join us Monday, July 1st from 11 AM – 1 PM at the Huntington Hills Community Centre. There will be live music, a free BBQ, and lots of fun for all ages! This free event is rain-or-shine and I hope to see you there.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns on any issue please do not hesitate to contact me.

Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca / 403-216-7777 / 115 – 70  Country Hills Landing N.W. Calgary, AB T3K5P3

APRIL 2019

In 2017, according to statistics Canada, Alberta sent over $50.4 billion to Ottawa. Over the same period of time, Albertans received only $28.4 billion back. When Albertans see this sort of math they are rightfully frustrated, especially in light of the current economic and job situation we find ourselves in.

Earlier this year, we saw the National Energy Board approve the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion project with conditions. At the time of this decision my clear message to the Prime Minister and the federal government was to get construction on this project started and stop the delays. Alberta workers and their families have endured enough setbacks and enough delays on this project, and others.

Hundreds of people have added their signatures to my petition calling on the government to build this pipeline and examine the equalization formula. I will keep you posted on their response. And I will keep fighting for workers and their families.

As always, if you have any concerns on any issue please do not hesitate to contact me.

Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca / 403-216-7777 / 115 – 70  Country Hills Landing N.W. Calgary, AB T3K5P3


Earlier this year, I launched an official parliamentary petition calling on the government to fix the unfairness in the equalization formula as it relates to Alberta and our energy sector. I would like to thank all those in our community who have made their voices heard. If you would still like to read and sign the petition you can do so by visiting my website at www.MichelleRempel.ca/petition.

Thank you to the hundreds of individuals who came out to last month’s Town Hall. I appreciate the opportunity to hear about the issues that matter most to you. As it relates to community infrastructure, I have received wonderful feedback from the survey I sent out, as well as feedback from community associations and stakeholders, about the needs of our community. To view the results of the survey and to provide further feedback please visit: www.MichelleRempel.ca/our_community

As 2018 comes to a close, I remain concerned about jobs, the economy and support for seniors and vulnerable members of our community. There are many in our midst who are still unemployed and underemployed or who are struggling to get by. I will continue to fight for policies in Ottawa that will create jobs, lower taxes and provide assistance to those who need it most.

My hope is that during the holiday season that you have an opportunity to reflect on the blessings we have in Canada and our community. I wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy holiday season.

Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca / 403-216-7777 / 115 – 70  Country Hills Landing N.W. Calgary, AB T3K5P3


For decades Alberta’s economy has flourished without the assistance of equalization payments, while other regions have benefitted greatly from Alberta’s success. We have always contributed to Confederation while building a prosperous future for our families through innovative industries and by developing our resources.  But an increasing number of Albertans, regardless of political stripe, are voicing their concerns with equalization.

Our province generates wealth and creates jobs through the development of our energy sector, while other provinces in this country choose to leave their resources undeveloped and instead rely on government transfers. This simply is not fair to hardworking Albertans.

I have always been a supporter and advocate for Alberta’s energy workers and that is why I am launching a petition, which is calling on the federal government to immediately deal with the unfairness of the equalization formula. Please visit www.michellerempel.ca/petition find out more and to sign the petition.

I will be holding a Town Hall meeting to discuss this issue on November 3, at 9:30 AM, at the Thorncliffe Greenview Community Centre. I also want to hear your feedback on this issue please email me at michelle.rempel@parl.gc.ca

Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca / 403-216-7777 / 115 – 70  Country Hills Landing N.W. Calgary, AB T3K5P3


Since January 2017 over 30 000 individuals have illegally crossed the border into Canada from safe spaces like upstate New York and claim asylum. The federal government’s lack of response to this issue is concerning. The government’s temporary solutions have put strain on provincial social welfare programs and will cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.

As a result of this, on July 11th I called for an emergency meeting of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration in order to review the adequacy of the government’s response to the increased number of asylum seekers.

During the emergency meeting the government informed us that they intend to house the illegal asylum seekers in hotels but failed to provide the projected cost of this plan. They also failed to provide any long-term sustainable solutions, leaving myself and Canadians with many unanswered questions.

Canadians expect our immigration system to be fair and compassionate. It is not fair, nor compassionate, when individuals are forced to live in homeless shelters, university dormitories and hotels because the government has compromised the integrity of our immigration system. I will continue to fight for issues that matter to you and your family. Please let me know your thoughts on this, or any other issue at: michelle.rempel@parl.gc.ca

Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca / 403-216-7777 / 115 – 70  Country Hills Landing N.W. Calgary, AB T3K5P3

JULY 2018

I have always supported energy industry workers, their families, and the construction of critical and environmentally sustainable infrastructure like pipelines.

Since the government announcement about purchasing the existing Trans Mountain pipeline, I have heard from many Canadians who are skeptical about this decision to create a Crown Corporation for an initial cost of $4.5 billion.

Ownership of the existing Trans Mountain pipeline was never the impediment to seeing the expansion happen. We are still missing a plan as to how exactly the expansion will happen and what the final cost to Canadians will now be. What we have instead is 7 billion dollars of private investment that Kinder Morgan was prepared to put into the Canadian economy off the table. The risk with respect to the project has not decreased because those that oppose the project will continue to oppose it, the B.C. government will continue to stand in the way, and the court cases will continue to cause delays.

That is why I have been calling on the government to use its existing power to advance this project. Solutions could include using section 92(10)(c) of the Constitution Act and declare the construction of this pipeline a benefit to all Canadians, and expediting the judicial challenges. These are options that exist today that would allow private investment to stay in Canada and would aid in the construction of the new pipeline.
I would like to hear your thoughts on this issue. Please send me an email at michelle.rempel@parl.gc.ca

JUNE 2018

Canada has experienced a record number of illegal border crossings since 2017. The influx of border crossings and the Prime Minister’s failure to manage a planned immigration system is putting a strain on social services across several provinces. Government analysis shows that wait times for asylum claims could now hit up to 11 years. These consequences of the illegal border crossings are expected to cost taxpayers approximately $2.9 billion to support claimants in the interim, this is in addition to the projected federal deficit of $18.6 billion.

On April 24th I introduced an Opposition Day motion calling on the Government to put forward a plan to manage Canada’s borders. However, the Government voted down this motion, and instead will continue to spend hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to deal with their inability to manage Canada’s immigration system.

We need to ensure that when the world’s most vulnerable come to Canada, they are given access to resources and resettlement services to successfully integrate into our social and economic fabric. This is an issue that needs to be addressed, as it is likely to worsen in the upcoming summer months. I’d like to hear your opinion on this issue at michelle.rempel@parl.gc.ca.

MAY 2018

The provincial governments in Alberta and British Columbia were recently engaged in a trade dispute which originated following the BC government’s announcement of new regulations that include restrictions on the transportation of energy products from Alberta. These changes could impact the expansion of the Trans Mountain Pipeline – a vital infrastructure project for all Canadians.

Justin Trudeau has the power, right now, to put an end to this trade dispute. He can invoke the federal government’s authority in section 92(10)(c) of the Constitution Act  and declare the construction of this pipeline a benefit to all Canadians – which it is.

My colleague in the Alberta Legislature, Prasad Panda, created a petition which I have sponsored calling on the federal government use Section 92.10(c) of the Constitution Act to declare, via the Parliament of Canada, that the expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline project is for the general advantage of Canada. Together we are asking the Prime Minister to show leadership, put an end to costly trade disputes, and support Alberta energy workers and their families by ensuring this pipeline is constructed. You can find a link to the official parliamentary petition at www.Use92.ca

APRIL 2018

The federal government presented Canadians with a budget at the end of February. The federal government is projected to borrow $18 billion this year alone which brings new deficit spending to $60 billion over the last three years. The budget also projects that Canada’s “Real GDP growth” will decline from 3.0 in 2017, to 1.6 in 2019.

I will be hosting a Town Hall meeting to discuss the budget, and other issues of concern on April 12, at 7:00 PM at the BP Church in Beddington Heights (16 Bermuda Drive NW).

An RSVP is not required to attend but is appreciated. You can RSVP by sending an email to Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca or by calling 403-216-7777.

MARCH 2018

As a part of my budget consultations, I have heard from many in our community about what priorities they have for the federal budget.

Of those who have contacted me so far, the prevailing concern of many continues to be the increasing deficit, higher taxes, and the need for sound economic policy that creates good jobs. In addition, I have heard from seniors who, as the cost of living continues to increase, are desperate for support and from students who are struggling with debt and in need of future employment prospects.

I share your concerns and will continue to advocate for our community in this latest federal budget. If you have not yet contacted me with your comments and priorities for the federal budget, please do so quickly.

You can submit your comments to me directly by writing michelle.rempel@parl.gc.ca or by sending me a postage free letter to my Calgary office.

Thank you as always for your feedback and comments.

Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca      403-216-7777     #115 – 70  Country Hills Landing N.W. T3K5P3


In December, I introduced a private members bill to define “bestiality” in the Criminal Code. This bill responds to the 2016 R. v. D.L.W. Supreme Court ruling that  upheld the acquittal of a British Columbia man who was charged with bestiality after compelling the family dog to sexually abuse his 16-year-old stepdaughter. Lawyers for the man argued that the 1954 bestiality law only included penetration of an animal. The Supreme Court justices agreed, saying it would be inappropriate for courts to expand that definition beyond what was intended by the politicians who drafted the original law.

The Supreme Court has clearly indicated that this is a legal grey area that can only be corrected by legislation. I am disturbed that the government has not yet corrected this glaring void in our criminal code.

I believe this to be a non-partisan issue that is clearly needed to keep both humans and animals safe. The current law is reflective of an archaic understanding of sex, and the change that I am seeking to make with my bill both reflects the language of the Supreme Court ruling, and frankly is a no-brainer.

I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on this, or any other, issue. You can contact me by writing Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca or at 115-70 Country Hills Landing N.W., T3K2L2.


As 2018 begins, my focus remains on policy that creates jobs and ensures economic growth here at home. With that in mind, I invite you to contact me with your thoughts about the upcoming federal budget.

As a part of my annual pre-budget consultation, I would like to hear from small businesses, non-profit groups, industry organizations, community groups and individuals in our community. Your feedback on what you would like to see included in the upcoming federal budget will be the basis for my submission to the Minister of Finance.

You can submit your comments to me directly by writing michelle.rempel@parl.gc.ca or by sending me a postage free letter to my Calgary office.

Thank you in advance for your feedback and comments.

Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca      403-216-7777     #115 – 70  Country Hills Landing N.W. T3K5P3


At the end of October, the federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau presented the Fall Economic Statement to the House of Commons. This update confirmed that the government is borrowing large amounts of money to pay for their spending. The update shows that the federal government has borrowed $20 billion this year. I am deeply concerned about the level of deficit spending we are seeing in Ottawa and I am also troubled by the government’s desire to raise taxes on Canadians.

Early in January I will be conducting my annual pre-budget consultation with our community. I encourage you to contact me with your thoughts and feedback about the next budget. I will be submitting the views of our community directly to the Minister of Finance.

I will continue to work hard for you in Ottawa and ensure that this government is answering the tough questions of how they will help our community with their economic policies.

I would also like to extend to you and your family  my best wishes for a wonderful New Year, a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.


Small businesses are vital to the Canadian economy.  Business owners work hard and have often sacrificed a great deal in order to become successful. That is why I am deeply concerned about the small business tax increases that the Federal Government has proposed. Any changes to Canada’s tax system must ensure that small businesses are given every opportunity to grow, create good paying jobs, and contribute to our economy. With those principles in mind, I have supported legislation in the past, and will continue to support legislation in the future, that lowers taxes for small and medium-sized businesses, reduces government red tape, and allows entrepreneurs to create jobs.

The formal consultation on the Federal Government’s proposals closed on October 02, 2017 but, if you would like to learn more about the proposed changes please visit my website www.MichelleRempel.ca.

In order to hear directly from those in our community on this issue I held a Town Hall Meeting at the end of September that was attended by over 300 individuals. Due to the short notice of the event I was unable to advertise the meeting via billboard signs and apologize if you were not aware of the event. The overwhelming majority of the individuals who attended, and who have contacted me through my office, are opposed to the proposed changes.

Now that the consultation period has closed the debate shifts to Parliament. Please continue to send me your feedback and suggestions on this topic as we debate these changes.

I have also sponsored an online petition which you can access via: www.e1239.ca

Thank you to those who have contacted me on this issue already. I will continue to bring the voices of small business owners in our community forward as the debate proceeds.


As I look towards the fall sitting of Parliament I am reminded of the needs many in our community are facing and the numerous issues of importance that Parliament will be debating soon. I will continue to work hard on your behalf as your voice in the House of Commons.

My focus continues to be on policy and legislation that will improve our economy, create jobs and provide assistance and opportunities for those who need it most. In addition, I will continue to work in my role as Opposition Shadow Minister for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship.

As the Federal Government begins to unveil its plans and priorities for this session, it is important for me to hear from members of our community about issues of importance to them and their perspective and opinion on legislation being debated in Parliament.

I want to provide you with a list of the various ways you can provide me with your comments and keep informed about what is happening in Ottawa:

Email: Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca
Phone: 403-216-7777
Facebook: Facebook.com/MichelleRempelMP
Twitter: @MichelleRempel
Website: MichelleRempel.ca
Instagram: MichelleRempel
Youtube: MichelleRempel
Mail: 201-1318 Centre Street N.E., T2E2R7

I will be announcing plans for my next Town Hall meeting in the near future as well.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve our community and I look forward to hearing from many of you over the coming months.


I have had the opportunity to connect with many members of our community over the last few weeks and I have heard about issues that are important to you. I remain focused on advocating for policy that creates jobs and helps the individuals in our community that need it most. I will continue to work hard on your behalf when the fall session of Parliament begins later this month.

I also wanted to take the opportunity to update you on my efforts as the Critic for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship. I have been closely following recent reports regarding the draft copy of the Liberal’s new citizenship guide. Citizenship guides tell the story of Canada to people who want to help our country grow and prosper. I am particularly concerned that the draft copy tells newcomers that it is only “voluntary” to respect human rights in Canada. Human rights are enshrined in our laws and are something we should expect from every Canadian. This should be made clear in our citizenship guide. It was also very concerning to hear that the draft copy has removed mention of female genital mutilation (FGM) from the guide. Given the troubling reports in the media of Canadians impacted by FGM practices, I have called on the government to acknowledge the growing trend of FGM and inform Canadians of the steps they will take to protect victims from this practice.

I continue to work with the Yazidi community in Canada to push the government to act when intervention is necessary. On August 3rd, Yazidi communities in Canada will commemorate the genocide of the Yazidi people in Northern Iraq. I hope that on this day, Canadians across the country will take a moment to reflect on the atrocities committed and what more we can do to help. As you may know, I have been working with the Yazidi community since appointed to my Critic position, to help bring to light the plight of their people and ensure that Yazidi refugees could come to Canada after surviving genocide at the hands of ISIS. I look forward to continuing my work with the Yazidi community and pushing the government to act when persecuted groups are in need of our help.

As always please do not hesitate to contact me about any issue.

201-1318 Centre Street N.E., Calgary, AB, T2E2R7


Calgary Nose Hill Canada 150 Award

Do you know someone who has made a significant difference in our community?

In celebration of Canada’s 150th Anniversary, I am proud to announce the Calgary Nose Hill Canada 150 Awards to recognize residents who work tirelessly to make our community a great place to live. Nominations for this recognition are open to deserving individuals including teachers, artists, athletes, researchers, coaches, entrepreneurs, emergency responders, community volunteers, and anyone who makes a contribution to our community.

If you know someone who is deserving of this award, please nominate them for consideration. Nominations will be reviewed by an independent volunteer panel who will recommend recipients. To respect the privacy of nominees, we will be keeping nominations confidential and request that nominators do the same. Please note that to be eligible, a nominee must be an individual who resides, or has volunteered, within the boundaries of the Calgary Nose Hill electoral district.

The deadline to submit nominations is August 31, 2017. All nominations must be emailed to: Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca. For more details on the nomination process, eligibility and to download the Nomination Form, please visit: http://www.michellerempel.ca/canada_150_awards.
201-1318 Centre Street N.E., Calgary, AB, T2E2R7

JULY 2017

As your Member of Parliament, I am honoured to serve you and represent our beautiful riding of Calgary Nose Hill while I’m in Ottawa. I believe it is important for Alberta to have a strong voice in the capital and as your MP I will continue to ensure that the voices of our community are always heard.

This Canada Day marks 150 years of Confederation and the birth of our great nation. As we celebrate, we have a chance to reflect on the great country we have become and look towards our bright future. Our country was built by people with strong convictions and commitments to their communities, and Canadians have maintained these traditions. Canadians demonstrate these values today as we draw strengths from our country’s regional, cultural, and linguistic diversity.

As we look forward to the next 150 years, let us use this time to contemplate the Canada we want to shape and leave behind for the next generations. How can we build on Canada’s notable past to build a brilliant future? I encourage all members of our community, and all Canadians to imagine what our country can achieve and work together to reach our goals as we celebrate this Canada Day.

Happy Canada Day!

201-1318 Centre Street N.E., Calgary, AB, T2E2R7

JUNE 2017

There are many important issues I am working on as your representative in Ottawa. While I remain committed to holding the government to account on issues like our economy, getting Alberta workers back to work, and support for families, seniors and young Canadians, the government has other priorities.

Earlier this spring, the Liberal government tabled their legislation on legalizing marijuana. I know there are many in our community who have strong opinions on either side of this issue. As we now have a specific bill before Parliament, my job, as your M.P., is to review the legislation, propose amendments if necessary, and ultimately make a final decision on the final bill before the House. There are many questions that Prime Minister Trudeau has not answered with his current legislation. I will be asking the following questions during debate of the bill:

  • What are the costs of legalization? And does he have any plan to work with municipalities and provinces or will he just download all the responsibility for implementation and enforcement to them?
  • If the age of possession is set at 18, and the medical community says it’s not safe for people under the age of 25, how are our kids protected from the adverse effects?
  • How will he make it safe for kids? How will he make it safe for motorists? How will he make it safe for workplaces?
  • How will the issue of roadside testing be addressed and what direction is being given to police forces across the country to deal with marijuana possession and driving?
  • How will this legalization take the criminal element out of pot sales?

I would appreciate your feedback, questions, and any concerns you have on this issue as Parliament debates this bill. I was pleased to host a Town Hall meeting at the end of April that was attended by over 200 individuals in our community. Many of you shared your thoughts on this issue in addition to others facing our country. It is always useful for me to hear directly from people in our community as I strive to represent you in Ottawa.

One event I would like to bring to your attention is a Canada Day celebration that I will be hosting in honor of Canada’s 150th birthday on July 1st. The event will run from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM at the Edgemont Community Centre and more details can be found on my website www.MichelleRempel.ca

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me about any federal issue.

201-1318 Centre Street N.E., Calgary, AB, T2E2R7

APRIL 2017

As you know, my top priority remains the Alberta economy and jobs crisis here at home. I will continue to work hard on your behalf and demand that this government provide the relief and job creating policies that Albertans need in order to get back to work. That’s why my colleagues and I created the Alberta Jobs Taskforce, in order to listen to Alberta employers and those who are out of work and convey their solutions directly to the federal government. The report, along with the 11 recommendations, is on my website at www.MichelleRempel.ca.

I would also like to bring your attention to two important upcoming events:

1) Town Hall Meeting – April 27th at 7:00 PM at the Berkshire Citadel (222 Sandarac Drive N.W.)

2) Career Services Event – May 13th starting at 9:30 AM at Foothills Alliance Church (333 Edgepark Blvd. N.W.)

For more information on both these events visit my website at www.MichelleRempel.ca
As always you can contact me at my office, about issues important to you, using the contact information below:

201-1318 Centre Street N.E., Calgary, AB, T2E2R7