October 2022 – Antenna Installation Update
The proposed antenna installation located at 222 Sandarac Dr NW. As of September 8, 2022, this proposal was rejected by the Planning & Development Services business unit. The two reasons for non-concurrence were the distance from dwellings as well as the visual aesthetic impacts of the structure to the community. Please reach out to Councillor Jasmine Mian’s office at clward3@calgary.ca if you have any questions.
April 21, 2022
The SMCA Board has been notified of an open house event hosted by Land Solutions as follows; while this event is not affiliated or hosted by the SMCA Board or the Community Association, the event has been posted on the SMCA website to encourage community members to attend & gather more information.
From: Comments <comments@landsolutions.ca>
Date: April 21, 2022 at 16:05:24 MDT
Subject:Proposed Telecommunications Facility Open House Information
Good Afternoon,
Please be advised that an open house will be held for the proposed telecommunication facility for 222 Sandarac Drive NW. The attached is the public notification package that was circulated to the community. This is the link (https://landsolutionsconsult.
The open house will be held on May 25 (5-7pm) at the Huntington Hills Community Hall (520 78 Avenue NW).
Thank you.
April 14, 2022
The SMCA board (via its President) has been sent a letter from Michelle Rempel Garner (MP for Calgary Nose Hill) to Minister Champagne (the Minister for Innovation, Science and Industry) regarding the cell tower and its public consultation.
The SMCA board has been given permission to publish this letter and make it available via its website – please refer to the links below.
March 23, 2022
Rogers Communications is proposing to construct a new wireless communications installation at 222 Sandarac Drive NW. Land Solutions, the authorized third party acting on behalf of Rogers Communications, engaged the Sandstone community, the SMCA & others regarding this build.
By default, the SMCA board continues to remain neutral on this matter, with its core role being one of communication & engagement, supporting the local community to voice its support or opposition of the tower. During the February 2022 SMCA board meeting, the SMCA board met with a number of concerned citizens from the area, as well as representatives from the three tiers of government.
The SMCA board continues to encourage dialogue between the local community and Land Solutions, the City of Calgary, our MLA and our MPs, and as such provides the following links & published open letters to Land Solutions.
Links to information
04/14: Letter – Hon Michelle Rempel Garner, MP to Minister Champagne: https://sandstonemacewan.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Letter-from-MP-Rempel-Garner_April-14-2022.pdf
03/23: Letter – Hon Josephine Pon, MLA to Land Solutions: https://sandstonemacewan.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/March-23-J-Pon-Sandstone-Cell-Tower-Letter.pdf
03/21: Letter – Cllr Jasmine Mian to Land Solutions: https://sandstonemacewan.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Land-Solutions-March-21-2022-Cllr-Mian.pdf
03/19: Letter – SMCA President to Land Solutions: https://sandstonemacewan.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/SMCA-Rogers-Tower.pdf
03/09: Cllr Jasmine Mian Blog posting: https://www.jasminemian.com/news/proposed-cell-tower-in-sandstone
Land Solutions Consultancy page: http://landsolutionsconsult.com/W4956